Numismatic legend Douglas Winter joins Coinfully as Chief Advisor

Wyatt McDonald

Nov 20th, 2023 · 3 min read

We are delighted to announce that celebrated professional numismatist Douglas Winter has become part of the Coinfully family.

Douglas, who was coin trading in New York City by the age of ten, is joining us as Chief Numismatic Advisor.

His storied career in the world of coin collecting is the stuff of legend. He started Douglas Winter Consulting in 1985, specializing in performing research for other coin companies. His list of high-ranking clients included Sotheby’s, Superior, Christie’s, Mid-American Rare Coin Auctions, and R.M. Smythe.

In 1989, he started Douglas Winter Numismatics. The nationally renowned firm specializes in buying and selling rare 18th and 19th century United States gold coins.

Over the years he has written more than a dozen books including the standard references on Charlotte, Dahlonega, and New Orleans gold coinage, and Type 1 Liberty Head Double Eagles. Douglas has contributed to A Guidebook of United States Coins, Walter Breen’s Encyclopedia of United States and Colonial Coins, David Bowers’ Encyclopedia of United States Silver Dollars and Andrew Pollock’s United States Pattern and Related Issues.

Among many other professional affiliations, he is a member of the Professional Numismatists Guild, the American Numismatic Association, the American Numismatic Society and the Numismatic Literary Guild.

Doug has known Coinfully’s founders Travis and Wyatt McDonald for many years – in fact, he was at least partly responsible for their interest in coin collecting. The brothers would attend coin shows with him as youngsters as their mom Debbie knew him through her own coin dealing career.

Douglas said: “It’s been really fun for me to watch Travis and Wyatt grow from the early days. They used to run around at coin shows when they were just boys and they would clean the glass on my cases or get coffee for me.

“It’s been very gratifying to see them build their successful business around coin collecting.

“Coinfully gives a seller an opportunity to get a fair offer that wouldn’t be available to 90-plus per cent of the prospective sellers in the coin market. They’re levelling the playing field for people and doing a very effective job of that.”

Travis McDonald, Coinfully CEO, said: “Douglas’s involvement with Coinfully is validation that what Wyatt and I have made to be our life’s work is on the right track.

“We have looked to Doug for many years for support and guidance on topics as diverse as ethics, numismatic attributions and pricing. His wealth of knowledge is the best resource we could possibly have.”

Coinfully President Wyatt McDonald added: “This is, for me, an opportunity to grow in a way a lot of people simply don’t get. The guidance available to us from Doug running his own successful coin business for more than 40 years is something I’m very excited about.”

If you have a rare coin or collection you’d like appraised by our expert team of numismatists, get in touch for a free online or in-person appraisal.


Wyatt McDonald President & Co-Founder of Coinfully. A student of numismatics and trained in the ANA Seminar in Denver, Wyatt is the face of Coinfully and a true expert. After spending a decade buying coins over the counter at a coin shop, he knew there had to be a better way, for everyone involved.

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